Covering the intersection of marketing, customer experience and new technology.

Snapchat, the LA Rams, disguise and Meptik transform the Ram's first home game into an AR experience for Princess Cruises

Snapchat, the LA Rams, disguise and Meptik transform the Ram's first home game into an AR experience for Princess Cruises

This stadium-scale AR experience features a virtual race though an oceanic obstacle course to be the first player to reach the cruise ship. Fans were also invited to text to win a cruise. What a fun combo of live events and AR.

From Snap for Business on LI:

Additional coverage and detail at AdWeek.

Illicit Elixirs Releases AR-Enabled Cans

Illicit Elixirs Releases AR-Enabled Cans

Are consumers and marketers aligned on emerging tech like AI and NFT?

Are consumers and marketers aligned on emerging tech like AI and NFT?