Covering the intersection of marketing, customer experience and new technology.

Puma's AR web app promotes new NYC flagship store

Puma's AR web app promotes new NYC flagship store

Brand usage of augmented reality continues to grow. This latest example from Puma doesn’t require an application and can be triggered from within a mobile browser, which potentially expands the reach of the program.

But in my mind, to be really successful, an augmented reality activation has to deliver compelling content or useful experiences. And bonus points for something that’s interesting enough to share, and has an easy built-in way to do so. I’m not sure this example tics any of those boxes. In the eaf rly days of QR codes, there was speculation that one of the barriers to growth was a lack of compelling content or experiences to justify the effort taken to scan the thing. Take me to your website where I can buy more of your stuff? Meh. Either deliver something of value or don’t bother.

Full story at Mobile Marketer.

Coca-Cola cans activate animated stories in AR

Coca-Cola cans activate animated stories in AR

Microsoft-powered AI helps create new whisky recipes