Covering the intersection of marketing, customer experience and new technology.

Augmented Reality Art Takes Over the Roofs of a British City

Augmented Reality Art Takes Over the Roofs of a British City

In February, Sheffield launched one of the world’s biggest augmented-reality art trails. Titled “Look Up!,” the trail counts four buildings, each of them paired with a QR code on the sidewalk below. Using a free app, viewers can scan that QR code to follow a bunch of animated arrows that lead their gaze upward. There, from the roof of a building, they can watch a stick figure made of different-colored balloons drift up, swirl around, and fade into the sky—all through their phone’s screen. (In the week following the launch, over 1,500 people had downloaded the app and almost 2,000 QR codes had been scanned.)

Full story at Wired

Heinz In-Game Experiential Stunt Maps Hiding Places for Gamers

HIGHLIGHTS: week of April 17