Covering the intersection of marketing, customer experience and new technology.

Heinz In-Game Experiential Stunt Maps Hiding Places for Gamers

Online first-person shooter games are unrelenting. There’s no pause button, so trying to sneak in a bite to eat while you’re playing can be lethal. But last year, Heinz and Gut São Paulo devised a clever solution to this dilemma with “Hidden Spots.”

With research suggesting 80% of gamers eat and drink while they play, with their favorite food being a burger, Heinz saw an opportunity to promote its ketchup. The creative idea: map good hiding spots within Call of Duty where gamers could rest for a few minutes and eat, without fear of getting ambushed.

Full story at AdAge.

Supergoop Celebrates Sunscreen Through AR Snapchat Lens

Supergoop Celebrates Sunscreen Through AR Snapchat Lens

Augmented Reality Art Takes Over the Roofs of a British City

Augmented Reality Art Takes Over the Roofs of a British City