Covering the intersection of marketing, customer experience and new technology.

Lexus creates AR app for vehicle launch

Lexus creates AR app for vehicle launch

Marketers’ use of augmented reality continues to become more and more sophisticated - and may well be finally starting to emerge from the world of the gimmick. Many auto OEMs have lately been turning to both AR and VR to launch or unveil vehicles - using the experiences as a bridge between product announcement and showroom availability. It is also an interesting strategy given that lingering COVID lockdowns - or hesitancy to return to a fully normal lifestyle - may be keeping some shoppers from visiting a dealership.

An AR experience can certainly create a more immersive and inspirational engagement than a series of photos and videos on a website. BUT, it requires an app download - and a large one at that. Few marketers have had success in leveraging apps to drive awareness or consideration; most marketers view mobile apps as tools to engage their most loyal customers. This example seems to be attempting the former and it will be interesting to watch. Crucial to success will be integrated promotional efforts, which aren’t really mentioned in the article.

Full story at MediaPost.

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