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Zola aims to de-stress wedding planning with chatbot

Zola aims to de-stress wedding planning with chatbot

Zola has launched "Split the Decisions," an AI tool designed to balance wedding planning tasks between partners. By evaluating preferences and strengths, it assigns tasks to ensure both partners equally contribute. Built on OpenAI’s GPT conversational interface platform, the process aims to help couples divide and conquer to manage the mental load of making over 500 decisions typically required in wedding preparations.

It takes two people to have a wedding. So why is planning often a one person job? We estimated that couples make over 500 decisions over the course of planning a wedding, and the “mental load” often falls on one person. That’s why we’ve launched Split the Decisions: an AI tool to help couples fairly divide the to-do’s on the way to “we do.”

Wedding planning comes with a lot of decisions. Like, a LOT of decisions. And we’ve noticed a not-so-fun fact: one person somehow becomes the default decision maker.

Part of the issue is decades of societal and gender “norms,” along with the expectation and assumption on behalf of a lot of different people that one half of the couple is going to do all of the work. Or, if one partner tends to be “the planner” in the relationship, they might feel like their partner simply won’t be interested in helping or that it’s easier to just do it themselves. This imbalance can really take a toll.

Decision fatigue is a very real thing, and when one partner is taking on more than the other, it can cause friction. In fact, the number one thing that couples tell us they want to change about wedding planning is the assumption that one person is going to do everything.

That’s why we created Split the Decisions: an AI tool that can help you be a team right from the very start of wedding planning.

More details from this Zola blog post.

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