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Girls Who Code launches "GirlJams"

Girls Who Code launches "GirlJams"

From Adage…

Mojo Supermarket continues its
innovative work with Girls Who Code by rolling out GirlJams, described as “an AI songwriting experience” that helps girls play around with artificial intelligence, a field that’s largely male dominated.

Created with digital studio Buttermax, GirlJams invites girls to create a song using multiple AI technologies, while also learning the basics of AI generally. 

User supply a prompt for the subject matter of the song, and ChatGPT generates the song title and lyrics. They also input the genre of music (pop, hip-hop, etc.) and the feel of the song (upbeat, soulful, etc.)—as well as a prompt for Stable Diffusion to create the album art.

GirlJams then produces a demo of the song for users to share.

GirlJams was created with support from Lyda Hill Philanthropies. It follows Girls Who Code’s pledge, made with the White House on International Day of the Girl in October, to spark tech interest in 200,000 girls and non-binary people. Girls Who Code has also released a newly developed AI curriculum for those interested in learning about it.

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