Covering the intersection of marketing, customer experience and new technology.

Kroger wades into influencers and social commerce

Social commerce isn’t a new idea, but it has taken a while to gain traction. In theory, it shortens the funnel from awareness to purchase. See something you like? Buy it right now, without having to go searching for it on your preferred retailer’s web site or in a physical store.

Brands, retailers and the platforms themselves have increasingly been experimenting with this functionality. This example, at least as described, sounds a bit clunky. See something cool in a video that you like? Open up a web view and browse the Kroger web site for it. I get it - TikTok’s ad platform/formats are in early days. But for this to be effective in terms of driving sales, it needs to remove friction rather than add it.

Full story at AdWeek.

Walmart and LEGO deploy a super smart AR experience in-stores

Snickers earns 42M views from Holler's branded stickers